“When you pull this, the emergency door will open.” 
Hello, everyone. How are youdoing? If you practice speaking Japanese every day, all of sudden, your Japanese will get better one day. 
Repeat after me
1. When you press here, the door will open. 
(= Press here and the door will open.) 
2. When you press here, the door will close. 
3. When you press this, the light will turn on. 
4. When you press this, the light will turn off. 
5. When you turn this, the sound gets louder. 
6. When you turn this, the sound gets quieter. 
7. When you touch here, it will make a sound. 
8. When you pull this lever down, the chair will move (you can move the chair). 
9. When you put money in here, a ticket will come out. 
10. When you pull this, the emergency door will open.
 (hijou doa = emergency door) 
Now, makea sentence as follows. 
Push here, door, open 
→ When you push here, the door will open. 
1. here, push, close 
→ When you push here, the door will close.
2. this, push, air conditioner, turn on 
→ Wne you press this, the air conditioner will turn on. 
3. this, push, computer, turn on 
→ When you push this, the computer will turn on. 
4. this, turn to the right, sound, gets louder 
→ When you turn this to the right, the sound gets louder. 
5. this, turn to the left, sound, get quieter 
→ When you turn this to the left, the sound gets quieter. 
6. this lever, pull down, recline a seat/backrest 
→ When you pull this lever down, the seat can be reclined. 
(semotare = back of the chair) (semotare wo taosu = recline) 
7. push this, chair, get higher 
→ When you push this, the chair gets higher. 
(= you can raise the chair) 
8. put money, the game stars 
→ When you money in, the game will start. 

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.