[4.Allegretto] Heading downhill??? -- Weather forecasts 
“It looks like the weather is likely to decline.”
Hello, everyone. How are you doing? Today’s 
theme is weather.    First, check the basic words and expressions.
Repeat after me
1. sunny
2. fine weather
3. cloudy
4. It rains.
5. light rain
6. downpour
7. The wind is blowing.
8. It’s snowing.
9. Snow piles up.
10. A typhoon is coming
11. A large typhoon is approaching.
12. A typhoon makes landfall.
So far so good?
Repeat after me
1. It’s a nice sunny day.
2. It’s sunny today./It’s a fine weather today.
3. It’s a nice weather without a cloud.
4. It’s dull/bleak/gloomy.
5. There are many clouds.
6. It’s raining lightly.
7. It’s drizzling. (=very light rainfall)
8. It’s raining heavily.
9. It’s been foggy since last night.
10. It was pouring down until just now.
11. It’s windy./There is a strong wind blowing.
12. It has been snowing since yesterday.
13. It snowed a lot./The snow piled up.
14. A typhoon is coming to the Kanto region.
15. The typhoon made landfall in Japan last weekend.
16. Tokyo is right in the middle of the typhoon.
Now, answer as follows.
How is the weather over there?
→ It’s rain.= It’s raining.
1. How is the weather over there?
→ It’s sunny.
2. How is the weather over there?
→ It’s bleak (weather).
3. How is the rain now?
→ It’s drizzling.
4. How is the rain now?
rain hard
→ It’s pouring down.
5. How about the wind?
→ It’s very windy.
6. How about the snow? Did it pile up?
a lot
→ It snowed a lot./The snow piled up.
7. Where is the typhoon coming?
Kanto region
→ A typhoon is coming to the Kanto region.
8. When did the typhoon land?
last weekend
→ Last weekend the typhoon made landfall.
How is the weather where you are now? 
Repeat after me
1. It’s got cold since yesterday.
(hiekomu = get cold)
2. The temperature this morning was 12 degrees.
3. Today’s high temperature is 20 degrees.
4. The lowest temperature this morning was minus 2 degrees.
5. It will be mild weather from this afternoon.
6. It will be warm from tomorrow.
7. It’s going to drop to 3 degrees at night.
8. It’s getting warmer day by day.
9. It looks like the weather is going to decline at the beginning of the week.
(kudarizaka ni mukau = decline: typish weather expression. [kudarizaka = downhill, downward slope]) 
10. It looks like the midwinter cold will return next week. 

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.