[✐3] When yes not yes is. はい/うん、いいえ/ううん
Hello everyone. How are you doing? Still many people are confused with “Yes” and “No” in Japanese. Sometimes “Yes” can mean “No,” depending on the context, and vice versa.
We start with quiz. Firstly, please listen to the example.
Hanako san, don’t you go to the party?
Hanako: Iie … I dare not to write No.
→ Hanako san is;
a) going to the party.
b) not going to the party.
Is the answer a) or b)? The answer is a). Here, “iie” negates the statement “don’t go to the party”, so it means “go to the party”.
Quiz 1
Hanako san, don’t you eat breakfast?
Hanako: hai
→ Hanako san
a) eats breakfast.
b) doesn’t eat breakfast.
Quiz 2
Hanako san, you didn’t make it in time to the meeting, didn’t you?
Hanako: iie
→ Hanako san
a) was on time for the meeting.
b) was late for the meeting.
Quiz 3
Hanako san, didn’t you go back to your parent’s home at the end of the year?
Hanako: hai
→ At the end of the year, Hanako san
a) went back to her parent’s home.
b) didn’t go back to her parent’s home
Quiz 4
Hanako san, don’t you like Karaoke?
Hanako: iie
→ Hanako san
a) likes Karaoke.
b) doesn’t like karaoke.
Quiz 5
Hanako san, don’t you sign up for the Japanese course?
Hanako: iie
→ Hanako san
a) will sign up for the Japanese course.
b) will not sign up for the Japanese course.
How was it? If you agree with what the other person said, you say “hai”. If not, you say ”iie”. Let’s check, and please repeat the Hanako san’s answer.
Quiz 1
Hanako san, don’t you eat breakfast?
→ b) No, I don’t eat breakfast.
Quiz 2
Hanako san, you didn’t make it in time to the meeting, didn’t you?
→ a) Yes, I was on time for the meeting.
Quiz 3
Hanako san, didn’t you go back to your parent’s home at the end of the year?
Hanako: hai
→ b) No, I didn’t go back to my parent’s home at the end of the year.
Quiz 4
Hanako san, don’t you like Karaoke?
→ a) Yes, I like karaoke.
Quiz 5
Hanako san, don’t you sign up for the Japanese course?
Hanako: iie
→ a) I’m going to sign up for the Japanese course.

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.