[4.Allegretto][5.Allegro] Telephone phrases - Private, Office: receive a call
“I will call you back as soon as I get back.”
 [00:07] Hello, everyone. How are you doing? Today, we will practice phrases for phone call. Honestly, I’m not really comfortable with talking on the phone. Especially when there is an unexpected private call, I get nervous and check the number… thinking who would it be? what would it be? etc.….
Nowadays, most things can be done online, so you may not have many opportunities to talk on the phone. Having said that, it’s still a means of communication. You lose nothing by practicing.
Repeat after me
1. Is this Kato san’s house?
2. May I speak to your husband there?
3. May I speak to your wife?
4. Yes, s/he is (at home). I will get her/him. (I will put you through to her/him.)
 5. S/he is out at the moment.
6. Around what time will s/he be back?
7. I will call again later.
8. Wait a moment, please.
9. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
10. Sorry, I must’ve dialed the wrong number.

By the way, we seldom say “sayounara(good bye)” at the end of the phone call. Normally we say, “ja”, “dewa, mata” or ”shitsurei shimasu” .
Now, listen to the dialogue. Catherine is calling Teruko san. Teruko san’s sir name is Hoshino.
C: Is this Hoshino san’s house?
H: Yes, it is. May I ask who’s calling?
C: My name is Catherine. Can I talk to Teruko san?
H: She is out at the moment.
C: I see. When do you expect her back?
H: Well, I think she’ll be back around 7 pm.
C: I see. Then, I will call again around that time.
H: I will tell her that you called.
C: Thank you. Well, good bye.
H: Good bye. Repeat after me
1. Is this Hoshino san’s house?
2. My name is Catherine.
3. Can I talk to Teruko san?
4. When do you expect her back?
5. I will call again around that time.
Role Play!
It’s your turn! You will call Family Hoshino, and ask if Teruko san is at home. Follow the prompts.
H: Hello?
You: (Ask if it’s Hoshino san’s house.)
H: Yes. May I ask who’s calling?
You: (Say your name and ask if Teruko san is at home.)
H: She is out now at the moment.
You: (Ask when she will be back. )
H: Well, I think she’ll be back around 7 pm.
You: (Say, you will call her back around that time.)
H: I see. Then, I will call again around that time.
You: (Say, thank you and finish the call.)
H: Good bye.
How was it? Did you get it? Try again without prompts.

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.