Want to sell more gift cards ruight now? i've been testing a few things with our native gardening website, and wowza! Here's what I learned...

Your gift card conversions will go up if you do these 4 things:

Tell them the "right" amount to buy (so they don't have to think) Tell them exactly what the cards can be used for (cuz grandma isn't your ideal customer and won't understand your brand or what you sell) Give them immediate gratification (like an instant PDF download to wrap up as a present) Offer a Gift Card bonus (this is optional, but we know not everyone will redeem their gift, so it won't really hurt margins)

This will only take about 20 minutes and it works. You can watch the vide with EXAMPLES and  SCREENSHOTS AT THIS LINK: https://youtu.be/DzKoK7JpOwI?si=mJnH1s6_EMUaY6e5

LMK what happens after you try it.

xo - Jane  https://fashionbrainacademy.com/