We interrupt this podcast for an announcement. 

I have a book for you.

Actually, I'm writing you a book. Like writing you a letter, but a book instead. Or a book-let. A booklet kinda thing.

A Book for You. I’m Writing You a Book. There, I said it again. I know the grammar is off but I don't care. And BTW if you really, really care about those things you should prolly just skip my book anyway. Prolly.

OK, this is SCARY. Because now I announced that I'm doing this. And I'm feeling all the feels...

So my book – it’s not going to be War and Peace.

It’s more like a pocket guide to help you with those EVERY.DAY.ENTREPRENEUR experiences. Every darn day.

Like a little pistol you’d strap to your thigh if you were an international spy, it’s a little book(let) you could strap to you thigh to help you through the crazy brain moments.

Honest stories and tips – so you know you’re OK. You're not doing it wrong.

Because Chekov and I agree, this every day living stuff - entrepreneuring, if you will - can really get to you.

“Any idiot can face a crisis; it's this day-to-day living that wears you out.” ― Anton Chekhov

Please listen to this episode and help me out! In it, I ask you a favor. So if you've ever gotten value from this show, I hope you'll consider it. :)


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