Your story is more powerful than you know.

We all have memorable life experiences that cause us to be the person we are today. Unfortunately, we often use life events to define who we are. When we change our identity to become that event it often stops us from reaching our highest potential. Your life is not measured by an event, you define who you are.

National Radio Host, Heather Ann Havenwood reviews her latest book, Power Guesting: Insider Secrets To Profit From Being A Great Podcasting Guest. This book gives you step by step instructions on how to tell your story in a compelling way to win over any person with whom you are speaking. You are not your resume. Your origin story will set you apart from others. For more information about Heather, please visit: or Your may purchase Heather's book, Power Guesting: Insider Secrets To Profit From Being A Great Podcasting Guest at or at

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If you'd like to see the raw, uncut video footage of this interview with Heather Ann you may see it here:

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