James and Ashley interview Emily Maguire about her stunning new novel 'Love Objects.' In it, they discuss our relationships with our belongings, the psychology of hoarding, and the beauty of writing for connection. 

Learn more about Emily on her website, and buy a copy of 'Love Objects' from your local bookshop, Booktopia or wherever else books are sold. 

Books discussed in this episode:

'Friends and Dark Shapes' by Kavita Bedford; 'The Shape of Sound' by Fiona Murphy; 'Convenience Store Woman' by Sayaka Murata; 'Emotional Female' by Yumiko Kadota; Writing in your pyjamas: a writing metaphor from Sandra Cisneros

Get in touch!

Ashley's Website: ashleykalagianblunt.com

Ashley's Twitter: @AKalagianBlunt

James' Website: jamesmckenziewatson.com

James' Twitter: @JamesMcWatson

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