James and Ashley interview Luke Stegemann, author of 'Amnesia Road.' In it, they discuss the parallels between South-West Queensland and rural Andalusia's violent pasts, the ongoing ramifications of near-forgotten genocides, and little black dogs that portend death. 

You can follow Luke on Twitter, or buy a copy of 'Amnesia Road' from your local bookshop, Booktopia, or wherever else books are sold. 

Books discussed in this episode:

'The Possessed' by Dostoevsky; 'Thus Bad Begins' by Javier Marias; 'A Heart So White' by Javier Marias; 'The Stranger' and short stories by Albert Camus; 'Far from the Tree' by Andrew Solomon; 'When We Dead Awaken' by James Robins

Get in touch!

Ashley's Website: ashleykalagianblunt.com

Ashley's Twitter: @AKalagianBlunt

James' Website: jamesmckenziewatson.com

James' Twitter: @JamesMcWatson

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