Track Jacket Mafia have put together this Slinky 16 Promo Mix in anticipation of their first appearance as TJM at the upcoming Slinky Family Gathering #16. So says the mafia: “We wanted to create a mix that best represents what we think the Track Jacket Mafia ‘Track Jack Your Body’...

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The post TrackJacketMafia – Slinky16 PromoMix March2015 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.

Track Jacket Mafia have put together this Slinky 16 Promo Mix in anticipation of their first appearance as TJM at the upcoming Slinky Family Gathering #16.

So says the mafia: “We wanted to create a mix that best represents what we think the Track Jacket Mafia ‘Track Jack Your Body’ vibe is all about. That meant slow build ups were out. Weak tracks were out. Playing attention to the speed limit was out. It’s House House, it’s Tech House, A kaleidoscope of sound, it is truly underground. Our mix is perfect for morning commutes, messy raves, house cleaning, cleaning house, cribbage games, dark warehouses, 12am, 12pm, earbuds at work chair dancing, hands-in-the-air saying ‘OMG I LOVE THIS TRACK’. Features a rare edit from Slinky staple Zack Hill called Push Push, as well as a killer unreleased version of classic “Love is Not a Game” by 3AM Devices’s Techncn. Track Jacket attire encouraged. Track Jack Your Body mandatory.”

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Bio Below:

Track Jacket Mafia (aka Darrell Tenaglia & Andy Kershaw, 3AM Devices, SF)

There are tag teams, and then there are track teams. On rare, special occasions, DJs Darrell Tenaglia and Andy Kershaw of 3AM Devices join forces to become TRACK JACKET MAFIA. Tapping into a combined arsenal of over 36 years of DJing experience & track collecting, plus a communicative bond formed by many years of playing exclusive sets in the ultra underground ‘122 Sessions’, Track Jacket Mafia hits all the right notes, plays all of your favorite tracks, over both digital and vinyl, from deep tech to jackin’ house and everywhere in between, run on sentences be damned – you will #trackjackyourbody.

Andy Kershaw:

Andy Kershaw (NDK) – JAM On It Podcast – 01.20.14

Andy Kershaw – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014

Darrell Tenaglia:

Darrell Tenaglia – Slinky 15 Promo Mix – May 2014

Darrell Tenaglia – Live at Slinky 14 06.29.13 – JAM On It Podcast

Darrell Tenaglia – JAM On It Podcast – January 13, 2013






The post TrackJacketMafia – Slinky16 PromoMix March2015 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.