Justin OBrien is back with a promo mix for the upcoming 16th anniversary of Slinky Family Gathering. Justin will be joining the Slinky lineup for the first time and this mix should get you in the mood for what he has in store. Slinky 16 is May 1st through 3rd,...

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The post Justin OBrien – Slinky 16 Promo Mix – March 2015 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.

Justin OBrien is back with a promo mix for the upcoming 16th anniversary of Slinky Family Gathering. Justin will be joining the Slinky lineup for the first time and this mix should get you in the mood for what he has in store. Slinky 16 is May 1st through 3rd, 2015.

Justin Obrien (Body Language, JAM On It-SF)






Justin was born in the Motor City, bred in the deserts of Northern New Mexico, and now resides in the Bay Area. A musician since early childhood, his interest in rhythm and harmony started at a young age. From pencils on desks, to the clarinet and eventually guitar and bass, by age 14 he was jamming with friends and playing in bands. His interest and obsession with electronic music began shortly thereafter and in 1996, at the age of 18, turntables had been purchased and DJing was the path he would choose to follow. After a few years of staring at bedroom walls, and playing house parties, he also began to produce electronic music, in 1999. Initially with Los Angeles based producer Ken Hankins, (AKA Joy), inspired by the likes of Deepsky, Shawn Parker, Cody Williams and a core group of Albuquerque natives and friends.

Cutting his teeth as a DJ primarily in warehouse raves and desert parties, he found his stride in the early 00’s progressive house, breaks & trance scene. His path eventually crossed with that of Jonathan Grossman, and the two began both producing music and DJing together. By 2004, they had released a few records, had their tracks licensed to DJ mixes, and Justin had held two DJ residencies and began to gain traction as a regional DJ. By 2005, at the height of his popularity, he made a conscious choice to step back from DJing and music production for a few years, to focus on a non-musical career.

By 2008 though, the absence of music in his life could no longer be ignored. He and longtime Albuquerque house DJ & friend, Tim Reynolds, had begun their Body Language night. Within three years, they had arguably one of the most well respected & regularly frequented house music residency / party in New Mexico, and had expanded Body Language to include a second city (Santa Fe), as well as larger one-of events. After the two stalwarts of house music in New Mexico had taken that night and their partnership to it’s peak, Justin felt the need to move on, and try something different, yet again.

After over two decades in the south-West it was time for something new, he set his sights on Northern California and made the move in late 2011. Initially settling in Tahoe for a couple of years of rest, relaxation and inspiration, he reached his final destination in 2014, the Bay Area. Now calling Oakland home, Justin has begun to immerse himself in the area’s electronic music scene, culture and history, and plans to be a part of it for some time to come. With a taste for the magic that happens outside of peak hour dance floors and having now spent well more than half of his life involved in electronic music, he continues to draw upon his wealth of musical experience, combining that with a penchant for the underground, to try and both educate and entertain the modern dance floor.

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The post Justin OBrien – Slinky 16 Promo Mix – March 2015 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.