The next release from our Slinky 15th Anniversary is from our resident Drum N Bass maestro, PuzzlePiece. Puzzle has been on several Slinky lineups over the years and this set is one of our favorites. He played the Saturday afternoon timeslot from 1:30-3pm. Here is his 1 hour 22 minute...

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The post PuzzlePiece – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.

The next release from our Slinky 15th Anniversary is from our resident Drum N Bass maestro, PuzzlePiece. Puzzle has been on several Slinky lineups over the years and this set is one of our favorites. He played the Saturday afternoon timeslot from 1:30-3pm.

Here is his 1 hour 22 minute set. It is on our iTunes, which should update later in the day, and on our Soundcloud page. Both are linked below. Please share it, repost on Soundcloud and spread the word about our music.

Connect with Puzzle Piece:

[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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The post PuzzlePiece – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.