Alex Castillo played the Saturday night 3am to 4:30am timeslot after Golf Clap at Slinky 15. Alex is no stranger to Slinky. He has been on our lineup since Slinky 7 and has been part of our organizational team since the beginning. Enjoy this 1 hour 27 minute set of...

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The post Alex Castillo – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.

Alex Castillo played the Saturday night 3am to 4:30am timeslot after Golf Clap at Slinky 15. Alex is no stranger to Slinky. He has been on our lineup since Slinky 7 and has been part of our organizational team since the beginning.

Enjoy this 1 hour 27 minute set of fine House Music. Download it, stream it, reshare it and dance to it.


Alex Castillo (JAM On It/Slinky-LA)

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The post Alex Castillo – Live at Slinky 15 – June 2014 appeared first on JAM On It Productions | Slinky Family Gathering | House Music, Forest Campouts, Nice People.