🎄🎉 It is the second annual ITSPmagazine Holiday Party 🎁🍾

In 2019, we continued to engage with and strengthen our relationship with the InfoSec, privacy, and line of business communities. We also wanted to explore how societies, businesses, and the cyber communities that support them view and treat security and privacy differently based on their place on the world’s stage, and therefore, we made some significant investments in travel and conversations helping us branch out to many parts of the world. We plan to do even more global outreach in 2020 with some exciting things brewing which will be launched in early 2020.

Also in 2019, we continued to refine and expand on our columns and talk shows, giving us 4 columns: At The Edge, The Cyber Society, An InfoSec Life, The Academy, and SMB CyberSecurity Awareness in partnership with the NCSA - and 5 Talk Shows: Unusual Gatherings, In the News, Mission Critical with Karen Worstell, The Jenny Radcliffe Show, and The Future of the Future. We also have the new segment in partnership with Chris Cochran and Ronald Eddings of Hacker Valley Studio fame called Underrepresented which lives in our The Academy column. We’re not done fine-tuning and expanding - we have some more ideas and partnerships in the works we believe the community will both value and enjoy.

As a final note, echoing what we said during last year’s inaugural episode and what remains evident in today's special episode, we're all better together and we at ITSPmagazine truly enjoy bringing this community together.

On today’s show, we have a number of special guests stopping by during two separate sessions. We always believe, the more the merrier.

M. K. Palmore | Elizabeth Wharton | Noureen Njoroge | Chris Roberts | Gabriel Bassett | Arthur Hicken | Alyssa Miller | Christophe Foulon | Joseph Carson | Joe Gray | Rick McElroy | Karen Worstell | Diana Kelley | Ed Moyle | Chloé Messdaghi | Dan Chmielewski | John Dasher | Richard Greenberg | Nathan Chung | Katie Nickels | Adam Pennington | Ryan K. Louie | Larry Whiteside Jr. | Caroline Wong | Kathleen Smith | kika von Kluck | Shawn Butler | Scott Scheferman | Mari Galloway | Phillip Wylie

We're glad you decided to drop by to have a listen—or perhaps even a gander—as we all tell some stories, have a few laughs, and wish you and the entire InfoSec community (and beyond) a very merry and happy holiday season with a healthy and prosperous new year to follow.

Thanks for joining us!

For more Unusual Gatherings:

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