When the holiday season comes around, pretty much every thought turns to those things that make this time of the year so special: gathering with family and friends, gift-giving and receiving, food and beverage consumption, and most likely some time away from the office. This is the personal view of the holidays. Of course, there’s another side to this coin—the side that makes all of that happen: the businesses that supply food, beverage, gifts, and services… and the time off for their employees to enjoy the holidays.

Looking forward to this busy time, business owners and their employees are heads down in the weeks and months leading up to the holidays, looking at how to squeeze every last drop of revenue out of those individuals—and other businesses—seeking a good deal and/or the best products and services possible.

Both sides are powerful movements that can keep heads spinning unto themselves. However, there’s a third side to the story that many are too busy—too distracted—to think about, let alone deal with: cybercrime.

Unfortunately, as it is the time for good feelings and good business, this is also the time for the dark side to surface too. Many cybercriminals turn up the volume on their dirty deeds, looking to take advantage of the fact that they will likely find many business owners and employees focused on the holiday prize, not paying attention to the risks to which they may be exposing the company.

That’s where podcasts like this come into play. In partnership with the NCSA CyberSecure My Business team, we are aiming to raise awareness for small- and medium-sized businesses, letting them know that ‘stuff’ happens—and that they need to be aware of it—especially during these times when there's likely a lot of chaos?

It's easy for all of us to take our eyes off the ball, putting our fingers on the keyboard when and where we are not supposed to. All it takes is one time, though, and the holiday spirit… and possibly even the existence of the business, could be gone in a flash.

With countless vectors into the business, some baseline best practices and employee awareness can go a long way.

Want to know what some of those things are?

Then have a listen to today’s guests to get some tips and tricks to help keep the holiday spirit alive and well.

Troy Gill

Daniel Eliot, NCSA Cybersecure My Business

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