We have many conversations with InfoSec professionals from around the world and often we hear about how important it is to raise awareness for our employees—not only at work but also at home. During these conversations, there seems to be a common theme that continues to surface: if the employees take cybersecurity seriously at home—making it important to protect themselves and their families—then that learning will “stick” better when they come back into the office.

This makes good sense, but there’s much more to this than the concept itself—it’s not as simple as flipping a switch to make this happen. Plus, there may also be some liabilities and legalities that could change the way organizations approach this type of program.

In today’s program, our guests walk us through some of the benefits, goals, and challenges associated with this method of reducing the risk for the organization. We head down the path of implementation, looking at what’s required, who’s involved, and when the program’s reach becomes too much—is it possible to overstep the boundaries?

These are some of the program’s attributes described by the group:


In the end, our guests talk about many things yet quite simply land on the shared view that a program that looks at the users in their IT stack as people first and then employees is the best approach; a happy, healthy person has a better chance of being a well-performing employee.

Does your organization have a cyber-wellness program? If so, listen then the podcast and then share your thoughts with us and our followers.

Cynthia Moore | Alyssa Miller | Chris Pierson

This Episode’s Sponsors:

Nintex: https://itspm.ag/itspntweb

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