We couldn't have asked for a better group of guests to talk about what a fantastic event this RSAC 2020 APJ has been — yes, it was different than usual; it was virtual, and nevertheless, it was a successful conference.

Of course, we all agree that in-person events have an appeal that will never be entirely replaced by a virtual event, but times are changing, and maybe from a time of crisis, we can learn, change, and become even better.

From the way the RSAC team was able to turn their APJ conference into a fully functional, educational, entertaining, and interactive experience, to the way this may lead the way to a hybrid solution for future conferences, we had a great time discussing the human element of cybersecurity and technology.

If you happen to see the webcast, we hope you will enjoy our virtual group selfie — if not, use your imagination. It did happen. 

Linda Gray Martin | Britta Glade | Cecilia Marinier | Hugh Thompson

This Episode’s Sponsors:

Cequence: itspm.ag/itspcequweb

ReversingLabs: itspm.ag/itsprvslweb

Semperis: itspm.ag/itspsempweb

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