All our RSA Conference coverage, including these chats on the road, is made possible by the generosity of our sponsors. We’d like to thank edgescan, Bugcrowd, STEALTHbits, Devo, Onapsis, and Nintex for their support and encourage you to have a look at their directory listing on ITSPmagazine to see how they can help you with your risk, security and compliance programs.


We are now only a few days away from RSA Conference in San Francisco. People all over the world are packing and getting ready for a week full of networking, learning, teaching and exchanging opinions on the floor of the Moscone Center. There are old friends to be seen and new friendships to be made.

This is my last podcast for our Chats on the Road to RSA Conference 2019 series. After this we will record literally from the road and from different locations in San Francisco.

This podcast is to introduce a friend of ITSPmagazine and her session which is called:

Retaining and Growing Cybersecurity Talent: A Proven Model

My guest is:
Deidre Diamond

Your host is: 
Marco Ciappelli

For those of you who do not know Deidre yet, she is the Founder/CEO of the national cybersecurity staffing, research and technology company CyberSN and the Founder of Brainbabe. She is one of those people who, without excuses and without fear, walks the talk. She is extremely passionate about what she does and, above all, let me just say one thing: she rocks.

With this in mind, here below are some talking points and more reasons, in case the above is not enough, to attend her presentation.

Retaining and Growing Cybersecurity Talent: A Proven Model

First of all, let’s all remember that companies are made of people. You can talk about Artificial Intelligence, digital automation, algorithms, robotics, and all the other amazing things happening in our society, but ultimately none of them come from nothing; they all come from the carbon-based unit that we call humans.

So, even nowadays if a cybersecurity company — or any company — really cares about growing, that is what matters the most: the workforce they employ.

If in particular we look at the cybersecurity industry where there is a talent shortage of over one million, it is more important than ever to retain talent. If you want to attract the right talent you need a good story and if you want to retain them you need to prove that said story is real.

Having a plan in place to retain people before you even hire them is key to success.

This talk will show how using a common language for cybersecurity projects and tasks can create a role and responsibility career succession plan for organizations and a Fortune 500 case study will be shared.

The Learning Objectives Are:
How to create a cybersecurity career development plan based on common language projects and tasks.

Understand how a cybersecurity program with succession planning and training can improve retention.

Learn about the importance of creating a workplace culture that offers psychological safety, which can offer the foundation for creativity, quality, growth, diversity, inclusion, and of course retention.

No more excuses. People are always one of your most important investments.

Do you want to learn more about Deidre’s presentation?

Listen to this podcast and then, if you are at RSA Conference in San Francisco, join us Friday, March 8 | 11:10 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. | Moscone South 304

I will be there.

See you soon.

For more Chats on the Road to RSA Conference 2019, please visit: