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This Podcast is to introduce a session called:
Cybersecurity Futures 2025

Our guests are:
 Dawn Thomas and Alan Cohn

Your hosts are: 
Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli

What is this presentation about?

Well let’s start with something we should all know by now: Cybersecurity is a global issue. How could it be otherwise considering that technology has connected all of us? Literally connected. It is not just a matter of communication between people far away or making distances much shorter; we are talking about connecting all of us in a way that we would not have thought possible a few decades ago.

Technology is somehow part of almost everything we do nowadays, and there is no going back. Sure it is nice to be able to unplug some of our devices here and there, but that is not stopping the future from happening.

Despite what some people like to think, for the most part, we do not live in little, or big, bubbles anymore, and even when we consider our homes, towns or countries to be unique, independent or even isolated from the rest of the world, we are still very much connected with each other. The future is a globalized world of technology all connected together, and denying it or ignoring it is quite dangerous.

It is an exciting time to be alive with so many incredible scientific and technological advancements in every area of our lives, with states interacting together and cultures mixing in a global boundary-less cyberspace.

It is also a dangerous time to be alive in this new technological era where cybersecurity issues encompass every area of our lives and affect geopolitical dynamics, and the way societies evolve.

The decisions we are making today about technology interacting with humans are going to affect our society in 2025 and way beyond that time.

It is now that we must force ourselves to think about fundamental philosophical questions and come up with good answers and courses of action, because those, or the lack of those, are already affecting us now and will affect us even more in our future.

To predict how this future may look, in 2016 The World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Cybersecurity and the UC Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity began a collaboration to develop a set of future-looking cybersecurity scenarios.

These scenarios are very diverse and, as they may appear like a Sci-Fi movie script, contain elements that exist, or are developing, in our present society.

By opening the conversations about technology outside of the technology field, using a multidisciplinary approach, and making the stage the place where these conversations happen, the whole world — instead of just individual nations — might actually succeed in addressing this issue before it is too late.

2025 is not that far away. As far as I am concerned, the future is today because it is today where we shape it.

So listen up and if you are at RSA Conference in San Francisco join this engaging and interactive presentation that will take place on March 6, 2019, | 1:30 PM – 2:20 PM | Moscone South #301

But now it is time to listen up.


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