Need—Innovation—Change—Growth—Mistakes—Fixes—Results—Sprawl—Trim—Repeat. This path seems like the standard road for most businesses, but the truth is that there is no predetermined way to success for any organization. However, there is one clear and a common path to failure—not preparing for, expecting, nor embracing change.

"The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity."—Douglas Horton

With change can come complexity — and confusion, and opportunities if you know where to look and are prepared to react and adapt quickly.

The point is that it can be easy to get "comfortable" with a particular set of technologies—many of which are likely legacy systems that, unfortunately, can't perpetually deliver the value your team really needs when it matters most.

For example, you might be able to collect 6 months' worth of security logs from most of the systems that matter, but what about that new business system that your team stood up at the beginning of the fiscal year—are you collecting those logs too?

Sure, you might have a nice routine set for your security analysts so they can quickly and easily close out simple security events and the large number of false positives they deal with every day. But, when that severe incident is taking place, do they—and the rest of the security organization—have what they need at their fingertips to identify the source, shut it down, prevent the spread, limit damage, and get things back up and running as quickly as humanly possible?

The truth is, most probably, not a chance — and at the end of the business day, the truth is what truly matters.

In this conversation, we speak with JC Vega, CISO at Devo, about the confession "Mr. T" shared with the Devo team

"Mr. T" described 3 main challenges faced:

1 - Innovation is driving business value: how come the security team continues to hold the business back?

2- Technology is sprawling: why can't we seem to shake things that prevent us from focusing on what really matters--the business?

3 - There will always be legacy systems: the question is, how do we embrace the past and enable the future regardless of the technology stack in play?

This back-and-forth struggle may resonate with you, and you may be wondering how to overcome some of these challenges yourself.

Suppose we learn to listen to the CISOs dealing with this challenge every day; CISOs that give a nod to the past and connect that reality with the present and future—through their logs.

Suppose this conversation will make you think that something got to change for better outcomes, and now your know-how.

Listen to this confession. It is the truth.

More Data. More Clarity. More Confidence.

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The art of simplicity can be seen in the picture your logs paint for you

Conversation with: JC Vega, CISO at Devo (@teamvega on Twitter)
Confession shared by: “Mr T”

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