Seven is a magical number. There are 7 seas, 7 colors of the rainbow, The 7 Samurai… and according to my guest today, Michael Bungay Stanier, 7 essential questions that can help you work less hard and have more impact.


These are part of his new book, The Coaching Habit, and today you’ll enter a master class with Michael and learn how saying less and asking more can change the way you lead forever. All on Itenco: Lessons for the leading edge.


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About Michael Bungay Stanier:


Michael Bungay Stanier is the founder and Senior Partner of Box

of Crayons, a company that helps organizations all over the world

do less Good Work and more Great Work.

Box of Crayons are best known for their coaching programs that

help time-crunched managers coach in 10 minutes or less.

Michael left Australia 22 years ago to be a Rhodes Scholar at

Oxford University, where his only significant achievement was

falling in love with a Canadian… which is why he now lives in

Toronto, having spent time in London and Boston.

He has written a number of books. The best known with almost

100,000 copies sold is Do More Great Work.

But the one he’s proudest of is End Malaria, a collection of essays

on Great Work from leading thinkers which raised $400,000 for

Malaria No More.

Michael was also the first Canadian Coach of the Year, which is

pretty good for an Australian.

Balancing out these moments of success, Michael was banned

from his high school graduation for “the balloon incident”, was

sued by one of his Law School lecturers for defamation, and his

first published piece of writing was a Mills & Boone short story

called “The Male Delivery”.

Michael wrote this introduction himself, so you should take it all

with a pinch of salt.