It Takes A Village To Raise A Mom artwork

It Takes A Village To Raise A Mom

55 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 16 ratings

A Moms Guide to winging your eyeliner, life & motherhood. We talk hard stuff, kid stuff, mom stuff & you stuff! Don't forget, you were SOMEONE before you became a mom & she MATTERS. We're all in this together- united, we mom.

Parenting Kids & Family Comedy coparenting motherhood singlemom
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Be The Queen of your life

July 29, 2022 12:00 - 13 minutes - 9.02 MB

Hey party people! Happy leo szn & happy new moon! we talk what leo szn will bring us this lunar cycle & how you can put the joy back into your life. always rooting for you  xoxo

Take Your Power Back

July 14, 2022 11:00 - 9 minutes - 6.86 MB

Happy Full moon bitties!! This one is calling us to take back our power, to release what isn't serving us and really come back to that GODDESS that we are. This last lunar cycle has been WHOAAA a DOOZZYYYYY.. and whether you are celestial or not, you cannot tell me that the energy since end of june has been INTENSE.. But this is the time, to harness that, release what isnt serving us whether that be toxic relationships, dead end jobs, old habits that just ARENT CUTTING IT ANYMORE! And step ...

I get so emotional bebe

June 29, 2022 22:00 - 7 minutes - 5.38 MB

its cancer szn bebes! Bring on the lovers, the dreamers & all the emotions!!!  Set your intentions for this moon cycle.. remember you are doing amazing wherever you are.  this is mini pep talk, because in this new moon I as a mother am emotional, I am tired but I am excited for Summer. === I'm here .. always rooting for you  xoxo

Summer Solstice Goddess Energy

June 22, 2022 12:00 - 9 minutes - 6.47 MB

Today we stop comparing, we stoping taking someone elses part 2 and looking at our chapter 1. You can have anything you want in life- you can honestly and earnestly have all the things! Because bebe , what is for you .. wil NOT pass you.  So maybe what sandy has is not what the universe has planned for you! This Summer Solstice is not just illuminating what is to come but its illuminating what isnt for us. And those can be hard pills to swallow- it can be people, places and yes even things.....

In my defense, the moon was full & I was left unsupervised

June 14, 2022 18:00 - 6 minutes - 4.7 MB

I know that its been about 2 months since my last podcast but nevr fear.. CAUSE YOUR GIRL IS BACK!!! This episode I go into releasing what isn't serving us & stepping into our goddess energy. From now on ya'll will be getting an episode on each major phase of  the moon..So the full, the new & both wanning & waxing quarters.. and maybe even some extra pump up snips if I am feeling extra ;) Never let ANYONE treat you like salsa girl.. YOU ARE GUAC- always extra.. I 'm here.. always rooting for...

Surface Pressure is ACTUALLY about motherhood

April 18, 2022 08:00 - 9 minutes - 6.86 MB

Hell I know we have ALL seen on some platform the video of the women realizing the catchy important amazing song form Encanto is actually about motherhood. BUT NO REALLYYY.. This week we dig into why that is a bit.  choose joy Always rooting for you  xoxo

The pursuit of happiness

April 16, 2022 18:00 - 9 minutes - 6.86 MB

Hello darlings!  This week I got told that people "miss my voice".. to say that made my lil heart skip a beat.. because I know I have been quiet, more reserved ..just trying to get by. AND THATS OKAY.. To hear that makes ones heart light a little bit, because showing up for others was something that lit me up.. and i think I forgot you HAVE TO SHOW UP FOR YOU FIRST .. before you can show up for anyone.. or that pursuit of happiness.. will be JUST THAT. the pursuit, but now actu...

Because you have to, even on the hard days.

April 05, 2022 04:00 - 10 minutes - 7.4 MB

I'm back, basically just call me slim shady. The last two months have sorta been a blur, but we will touch on that during the grief episode.  This week, I am just here to remind you that YOU ARE AMAZING. That you are exactly where you are supposed to be & that I am proud of you. EVEN if all you did today was keep it together.  Because, this season of life that we are in.. you are NEEDED. You are needed to show up, to be the best you that you can.. EVEN ON THE HARD DAYS. So just wanted to dr...

Call Drake again.. she's in her feels

February 02, 2022 11:00 - 11 minutes - 8.22 MB

Coming off of last weeks episode, I bring a little feels to trusting the process. This week we remind ourselves that we are human & emotions come in and out just like the tides. Through whatever chapter, stage or area of life we are in .. parent or not we're in a perpetual juggle of trusting the universe & being drake (aka in my feels.) Its not always meant to be easy, but it sure as shit will be worth it.  So it is my hope that you always remember .. it is okay to be fully supported by the...

Trust the damn process

January 26, 2022 11:00 - 12 minutes - 8.9 MB

Today I talk about how one of my favorite podcasts sparked pure inspiration in me.. to talk about something we've touched on before but not in this manner or with this fire under my booty... THE TIME LINE.. yes i know ughh not this again. but this episode we dive into trusting theprocess.. even when it looks crazy, that timeline shouldn't matter because we need to be who we are RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT.. to be that other woman who has accomplished all the things we're working for.  Want to w...

Hype Girl: Lets Black Eyed Peas it up in here.. watch out 2022, we're comin' for you

January 20, 2022 03:00 - 10 minutes - 7.2 MB

Back from a much needed hiatus for the holidays!! We are talking #wordoftheyear!  We are talking tips for finding your word and your phrase & how it can help you achieve WHATEVER it is that you want to achieve this year!  xoxo

Blessed Solstice beautiful souls

December 21, 2021 16:00 - 10 minutes - 7.04 MB

today the darkest of nights reminds us we need shadow for light.  It is time to start anew, shed bad habits and negative feelings and START FRESH. The solstice reminds us that we have to embrace it, for the dark needs to happen... even if it feels scary. What is for us.. will not pass us. Happy solstice & all the yule tidings.

Get in losers, its the end of eclipse szn

December 12, 2021 11:00 - 13 minutes - 9.14 MB

Today's episode we talk high af emotions, we talk the pixar movie inside out & we talk about how maybe we should all be a little more like that movie.  This eclipse szn was whoaaaaaa, if you follow it at all you know what I mean.  Despite high emotions of eclipse szn we are ending it in the midst of the most wonderful time of the year.. so my hope is that even if we are emotional we realize how grateful we are to be here  xoxo always rooting for you

It's okay to rest, to be your best

December 05, 2021 23:00 - 10 minutes - 7.08 MB

This episode I go into how this past fall/last 6 months have been the busiest since pre pandemic. And how being busy eventually leads to exhaustion... And THIS IS  the status quo of society... YUP, thats right our society deems exhaustion as a status symbol.  I jump into why this has been happening, & how we can change this going into 2022.  Lets change the status symbol of what is accepted, we SHOULD NOT lead ourselves into the brink of exhaustion & deem that okay. xoxo rooting for you

Holding yourself accountable, EVEN when its hard

November 21, 2021 11:00 - 15 minutes - 10.5 MB

Today we talk hard things.. we talk taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.. whether it is in your control or not. And how its so empowering to do that, because we are our own worst enemies at times. I talk how I started small ( like the cupcake theory) except not for JUST tasks but for everything in your life that can happen to you- feelings/experiences/tasks/people ..EVERYTHING & ALL THE THINGS. We can empower ourselves and change the game! We're in this together!  I'm a...

Normalize Mental Health Days

October 12, 2021 12:00 - 11 minutes - 7.66 MB

Today thanks to Mercury Retrograde this episode is delayed AF. But we are talking Mental Health & taking Mental Health Days!  This is something I have thought and practiced myself for a VERY long time. But I know that it isn't like that IRL.  So.... I am here for the change. Lets be the change. here.. always rooting for you xoxox

Mercury might be in retrograde but it's fine, we're fine, everything is fine- Energy Influencers Edition

October 01, 2021 10:00 - 9 minutes - 6.41 MB

So this the second part of Intentions, Fear & Change- OH MY! & in this episode we talk energy, how to influence the energy of the room & how to change the energy of the room. . We talk about how we can become an Energy Influencer ( yes we made a new type of influencer-queue Beyonce ring the alarm), We talk about some small things we can do to physically change our energy & how energy is CONNECTED TO EVERYTHING! Mercury might be in retrograde but we are still celebrating October, spooky szn ...

Intentions, Fear & Change- OH MY!

September 15, 2021 00:00 - 8 minutes - 6.16 MB

This episode is a two parter- we talking steps to take to become intentional. What intentional action might look like & how to not be triggered by the change monster.  Action towards anything can be scary. Intentional action- thats down right petrifying.  So let's do it together? What do you say?  rooting for you xoxo 

Savoring that Beyonce energy

September 07, 2021 00:00 - 8 minutes - 5.75 MB

IMM BACKKKK!!!! This episode we dive into why I needed to take a little mama break.  MY word for this year was SAVOR- and I found that end of July came & I felt pressure.. I felt overwhelmed & tbh I felt like I needed to just sit on the beach alone.  So I did exactly that. I savored the rest of summer with my family & I regrouped to bring you guys the best I could! Not just my mama bears but all my ladies.  So stick around this fall will be a lot of fun.  I'm here always rooting for you. xo...

Let's hold space for each other

July 26, 2021 09:00 - 13 minutes - 8.99 MB

In today's episode, I hold space for you. Similar to Rachel Hollis's Stand Up For Your Sister- I hold space for whatever you are going through right now. If we stand together, we are stronger.  I am here, always rooting for you  xoxoxo

If you only focus on the should, it won't be no good

July 19, 2021 07:00 - 22 minutes - 15.4 MB

In today's episode, I talk about doing less, I bring up Kate Northrup's book Do Less. I squirrel about motherhood & I dig deep into why we as a society are soooo fixated on what we "should" be or look like or act like or feel like or do. And frankly, I just cannot take it anymore.  Because the moral of the story is if you only focus on the SHOULD darling it won't be no GOOD.

Slow seasons are really just soul finding seasons

July 12, 2021 09:00 - 13 minutes - 9.65 MB

In today's episode, we talk about the societal need for us to constantly be performing and achieving in order to feel as if we can't ever "take-off" or "be off." As an enneagram 7, I unpack what that looks like for me, as I have been going through something similar. I talk about an amazing friend from across the ponds podcast Charge your Core by Suzie Bell and how her recent episode got my wheels turning. This episode is a fun squirrely pivot towards onward things for the podcast!

Hype Girl: If you change your mind

June 28, 2021 09:00 - 8 minutes - 5.92 MB

In today's episode, we dive into changing our minds. And how you can do it over & then some without having to say poo to anyone. GIRL stop thinking you need to justify any pivot or season to ANYONE. Life is so short, and as soon as we realize once we stop living up to what other people expect of us.. we will realize we were perfectly happy and content where we are than where they thought we should be. DO YOU SIS. rooting for you the whole way.

What if your "what if's" are robbing you of happiness

June 11, 2021 09:00 - 13 minutes - 9.17 MB

In today's episode, we talk about the what if's and how they could be robbing you of happiness. What if happiness is letting go of what you thought your life should look like...and embracing where you are & just how special it is!

Mercury is in haterade, put yo seat belts on

June 04, 2021 09:00 - 10 minutes - 7.59 MB

In today's episode, my computer almost blows up - Mercury Retrograde & eclipse szn has things going awry.. so what does that mean? we get a very squirrel-ish episode on the seasons of pivot & how to navigate it. We are a high school musical here, and all in this together. So no matter what season we are in - it's okay to redo, reevaluate & realign. Trust me, things are always clearer on the other side of rest & rejuvenation. xoxo may the retrograde be forever in your favor 

Sis, we are just like the moon, we all go through phases

May 28, 2021 09:00 - 9 minutes - 6.58 MB

In today's episode, we talk witchy-ish. The moon, the celestial planetary things in the universe.. & we end Mental Health Awareness month talking being full. Sis, we are just like the moon .. we go through phases. But WE WILL ALWAYS BE FULL AGAIN. always rooting for you.

Set yourself up for success, why a morning routine helps create magic

May 14, 2021 21:47 - 17 minutes - 12.4 MB

Today's episode we talk morning routines & how they help bring magic into our lives. Setting ourselves up for success starts the night before with good night sleep.. BUT it really embodies 4 major aspects of life: Mental Physical Emotional Spiritual And obviously that looks different for everyone. But to be productive, happy and successful it starts in those first few hours of the day. Lets make it magical. xoxo

Limiting Beliefs are for the birds

May 07, 2021 09:00 - 21 minutes - 14.8 MB

In today's episode, we talk about the stories that aren't serving us any longer... aka our limiting beliefs. The story we tell ourselves about how capable we are of whatever it is that we set our minds to THATS YOUR LIMITING BELIEF. Limiting Beliefs can be sneaky AF because they get into our belief system without us even realizing it. And then it's years later and we take a long hard look and we realize none of what we've been telling ourselves is ACTUALLY TRUE. we're in this together girl ...

Hype Girl: YOU CAN!

April 30, 2021 09:00 - 7 minutes - 4.94 MB

In today's episode, I squirrel a little but we talk about believing in ourselves. IT IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS EVER. After the year of pivot we learned resilience, we gained gratitude & appreciation. We are worthy and capable. YOU CAN. do anything, be anything & acquire anything that you want in life. The girl you are meant to be is on the other side of fear, you just have to believe in yourself

Hype Girl: Calling Your Shot

April 23, 2021 09:00 - 12 minutes - 8.58 MB

If you recognize the quote in the beginning message me! and we just became BFFs! I get really real about calling your shot & what that means! What shot are you calling? I can't wait to hear!

You are made from love, to be loved, to spread love

April 16, 2021 09:00 - 12 minutes - 8.77 MB

In today's episode, I talk gratitude for YOU. I took spring break off to really unplug and reconnect with myself. Get back to center & center my chi... So this is for all of the amazing people who show up each week... Y'all are the MVPs. Thank you for being here, for being on this journey with me! rooting for you always xoxo

Hype Girl: "If you build it...Kevin Costner is always right"

April 02, 2021 04:54 - 8 minutes - 5.6 MB

Today's episode is for the ladies who want more. Whether it's a dream or just a thrive. For the ones who just want to be their best, look their best, feel their best aka the best version of them. & for the ones who have the dreams of greatness, the audaciously amazing & huge dreamers. If it is in your heart, IT WILL NOT PASS YOU. The universe has a divine way of working out and having your back. Throw fear out, pick up trusting the process... because homegirl we're going shopping! Happy...

Old is Just a 3 Letter Word

March 26, 2021 09:00 - 12 minutes - 8.41 MB

In today's episode, we talk about being old. We talk about dropping the mic. & I go into how rare unicorns are actually female adult friends. It's about being comfortable in your skin. As Dolly would say, be you & do it on purpose. There really is a tribe called bliss, we meet once a month & have jackets ;) Let's remember ladies- we rise by lifting others. xoxo

Hype Girl: Manifesting..aka doing hot girl ish

March 12, 2021 06:19 - 20 minutes - 14.2 MB

In today's episode, we are talking Manifesting, the law of attraction, and calling your shot. The pre-edited version of this was recorded on March 1st just a day before Rachel Hollis (homegirl for life) released her episode on the law of attraction.. and I was so excited because in my life ( THAT WAS MANIFESTING.. I manifested that my wavelength was the same as a person I admire...BOOM.) SO let's dive in... Our energy is what makes the universe go round, we are all on a frequency. This...

The Mental Health Of Moms

March 05, 2021 10:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

Let's talk mental health this week y'all! But this week, we are going into the mental health of moms. Not that my singleton/married no kid lady friends don't need a mental health check-in too.. this episode just isn't directed at you. { wait your turn ;) } That being said, all women's mental health matters. But in the last year.. literally, it's the beginning of March. So for ONE WHOLE YEAR now, we have had to balance situations and tribulations that no mothers have ever had to balance...

Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by Gen Z

February 26, 2021 10:00 - 13 minutes - 9.53 MB

In today's episode, I go on a little bit of a mom rant about side parts, "mom jeans" and why we need to start listening to Miss Norberry & stop the girl-on-girl crime. I take us down a history lesson of the decades, generations & history of fashion 101-trends. Let's remember ladies- we rise by lifting others. xoxo

A little chaos, a little coparenting

February 19, 2021 10:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

In today's episode, we are talking coparenting! If this is something that you deal with personally then you are in the right place!! Please stick around because I would love to hear your thoughts! We talk about how coparenting looks different in every single situation but we talk about how it IS NOT just for parents who have a kid in dual houses... AKA not just a divorced kid or breakup babe. In the episode we dive in a little bit on my best years of being a bonus mom, & into my firm bel...

Be Humble, Sit Down - A song about motherhood

February 15, 2021 10:00 - 15 minutes - 10.4 MB

In today's episode, we talk about the roughest hood out there... Motherhood. And how Kendrick Lamar wrote our theme song. That's right ladies, let's embrace this humbling journey... & sit down. I can't wait to hear what you think!!

Say Byeee Felicia to Being Stuck

February 04, 2021 10:00 - 17 minutes - 12.4 MB

In today's episode, we are talking about feeling stuck, what some ways that can show up, some ways to combat that & things you can do to get out of your own way. For getting out of your own way I will always suggest starting each day with gratitude (get a gratitude notebook) Get some good PD books: Marie Forleo- Everything is figureoutable, Dave Hollis- Get out of our own way

Mental Health... it Matters

February 01, 2021 04:13 - 17 minutes - 12.1 MB

In today's episode, we talk about mental health. In hopes that talking about it, can help end the stigma. We talk about how it looks for some people & things that can help. But mostly, we talk about WHY it's okay, to not be okay. For my own mental health, I try journaling, manifesting with the moon, self-care & gratitude EVERY DAY. It sounds silly, but even on my most anxious days - it makes a difference.

Self-care isn't selfish, but it's more than just a face mask.

January 22, 2021 10:00 - 14 minutes - 9.69 MB

In today's episode, we talk about all things self-care. Yes, give me all the face masks! But let's make sure we are working all 6 different types of self-care into our schedule! Can't wait to hear how you practice self-care! For all my self-care needs, shop my amazon - all the collagen eye masks you could ever dream of. xoxo have a great day!

Hype Girl: In your feelings, channeling your inner Drake

January 14, 2021 10:00 - 10 minutes - 7.04 MB

In today's episode, we talk about being in our feelings, and yes this means you HAVE to channel your inner Drake or Jimmy from Degrassi- whoever is your fancy. Let's feel the feels & STOP thinking it's not okay, to not be okay.

New Year, More Intentional You

January 08, 2021 10:00 - 7 minutes - 5.22 MB

Scared? Do it anyway.

December 31, 2020 10:00 - 12 minutes - 8.66 MB

Happy Everything, Merry Anything

December 24, 2020 10:00 - 7 minutes - 5.35 MB

We're basically just house plants, with more complex emotions - speak kindly to yourself

December 17, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 8.07 MB

affirmation cards that I love

Control The Controllable

December 03, 2020 10:00 - 7 minutes - 5.47 MB

Attitude of Gratitude

November 26, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 8.11 MB

Some tools that help me practice gratitude every day: Gratitude pad from The Be Brand: Gratitude notebook:

Vibe Higher, Lets talk about energy

November 19, 2020 10:00 - 11 minutes - 7.69 MB

Hype Girl: "Pandemic Parenting, it's just THAT hard!"

November 12, 2020 10:00 - 12 minutes - 8.97 MB