Samantha Munoz is a mother, wife, engineer, bibliophile and avid coffee drinker. She is also the expert kid’s lit curator at Addison Reads, author of The Intentional Bookshelf, and creator of the Intentional Book Club. Sam writes children’s book reviews to guide parents as they search for the perfect books for their little ones and helps moms and dads build a library with a purpose. Once a seriously overwhelmed and stressed out parent herself, Sam turns to children’s literature for the answers to all of her parenting dilemmas. She lives in sunny San Diego, California but loves when it rains because it gives her an excuse to stay inside and read with her daughter!

Today on It Takes a Village, we are talking solo parenting, as the military life would sometimes have it, raising a little one in Japan, expectations, feeling lost in motherhood and a little about the Intentional Book Club

Since we don't dive deep into the Intentional Book Club, but I personally feel like it's an amazing resource for making mom's lives easier while positively impacting their kids, we did a little Q&A over on the blog. So if you want to read more about it head on over there!