Join us on a journey of reimagining the way we approach life's to-do lists. Instead of focusing solely on what's left to do, we explore the concept of the 'Done List.' Throughout the day, jot down your accomplishments, no matter how small, and experience the profound satisfaction and joy of recognizing your daily victories.


But we don't stop there. We're all about spreading joy, and one of our favorite ways to do that is through 'Random Acts of Kindness.' We'll show you how to incorporate these acts into your daily routine, involving your children in the joy of brightening someone's day unexpectedly.


And why not make life an adventure? That's why we introduce you to 'Adventure Days.' These days are all about breaking free from routine. From spontaneous park visits to treasure hunts in your backyard, we'll inspire you to infuse your days with excitement and joy.


We also embrace 'Theme Days.' Imagine 'Tasty Tuesdays,' where you explore new recipes, or 'Storytelling Sundays,' where you create and act out imaginative stories with your kids. These themed days add a playful twist to the ordinary and create unique opportunities for joy.


Finally, we encourage you to discover the 'Mundane Magic' in your life. Challenge yourself and your kids to see the extraordinary in everyday things. From finding shapes in clouds to turning a walk into a nature scavenger hunt, these creative exercises infuse wonder and joy into your daily moments.


So, if you're ready to become a true 'Joy Millionaire,' tune in and let's embark on this journey together. Get ready to uncover the riches of joy that await in the simplicity of daily life."


Let’s Have Coffee!




Listen to the Moms At Work Podcast