Imagine you spend 10+ years chasing the dream of becoming a leader in the LA nightclub life only to realize it wasn’t meant for you. That in time you would decide to leave behind the lifestyle you spent a decade working towards and pivot into something completely different such as Ultra-running. Now we’re comparing apples to oranges, completely different lifestyles. This is the story of Eli Wehbe. I just finished his book Mask and this is a major theme in the book. Today I want to use Eli as an example that at any point in our life, we have the power to hit the reset button & make a change. Although the best time to make a change may have been 1, 6 or 12 months ago…. the second best time is right now. 5 steps to reset any area of your life… Let’s fire it UP!


5 steps to reset any area of your life

(1) We must acknowledge what needs to change. We don’t need to know what the next step is just yet but we have to be honest with ourselves that we need a reset. (2) We must come up with a plan for what we would like this change to look like. Without taking a moment to visualize it, we’ll be going in blind with what to do next.   (3) We must put in effort because it’s what creates progress. So long as we’re consistent over a period of time, we will begin to see progress. (4) We must be open to making pivots along the way because it’s bound to happen. There is no perfect blueprint we create ahead of time, we just adjust in real time. (5) Welcome the reset with open arms. You’ve put in the work, you’ve overcome the inner dialogue trying to convince you not to do it, you’ve consistently put in the work and now you’ve gotten what you asked for. 



Challenge for the listeners 

Spend 10 minutes within the next 24hrs and seriously consider what areas of your life, if any, do you feel needs a reset. Be honest with yourself and don’t run away from the truth. As we talked about today, the first step is just acknowledging it. If we can do that, that’s a massive step that will help guide us to eventually making change. Think about it today and see if there is anything specific that comes to mind


Questions from the Stay Dialed In Community 

@JayCorruptedMind_ : Is it ever too late to reinvent yourself?


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Lauren Mason


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