A two day The Improviser's Guide Podcast event eight months in the making!!! #MattHarveyMedia, @TheHarvery, Jesterevoution himself, Matt Harvey (not to be confused with the recently demoted to the Mets bullpen Matt Harvey). His full time return to New York City is upon us, so we celebrate with sample contributions (and never before heard drafts) made to [By The Mummers] over the years. Check out Part Two [Episode 46] on IT'S [Talk] TUESDAY!

See The Improviser's Guide Podcast LIVE at QED Astoria Sunday Night April 29th at 8:30pm featuring the return of Matt with [By The Mummers]! $5 Tickets!

Theme Composed by Matt Harvey.

Additional Themes produced for [By The Mummers] by Jason Purdy.

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FOLLOW [By The Mummers] on Instagram & Twitter.

ByTheMummers.com for more information.

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