Tonight we'll be discussing a topic we've never covered before. "Should Single Mothers Give Their Children Their Father's Last Name?" This is a very controversial topic because most people seem to have their father's last name but most of us have at least a few friends and family members who have their mother's last name. It's American tradition and most cultures traditions to name their children after their father, so when we see children named after their mom, eyebrows tend to get raised.

The main question of this discussion is "If the mother has reason to believe that she's going be raising this child alone, should she give the child her last name or follow tradition and still give the child their father's last name? What if the pregnant mother was mentally or physically abused by the father before and during her pregnancy? Should that father be stripped of his privilege to give his child his last name?

It doesn't get any more controversial than tonight's topic and nearly every last American citizen can relate to this in some way because 95% of us were named after either our mothers or fathers and to some, this is a big deal. Having your child named after you is the ultimate honor and some men take it to heart if their child isn't named after them and will even go as far as totally distancing themselves in the process. Oh yes, it gets deep! This is why we had to do a show on it. If you have a view or are just interested in this topic, make sure you don't miss out!

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