Tonight C.B.R. would like to welcome back one of our most prominent guests, Music Producer PL 12. After coming through to chop it up with us last year, it was discovered that PL 12 has some serious talent and an impressive resume for someone who has only begun to scratch the surface in a promising career in music having worked with music artists such as Beanie Sigel, Tyga and The Nappy Roots to name a few. Well Mr. PL has a few things to catch us up with as the grind has not stopped and his name has only gotten bigger.

Last year when we brought PL 12 on, he played us a collage of his instrumental tracks and he has given us yet another treat tonight as he has given us a brand new collage of instrumentals that we'll be airing tonight so Hip Hop artists looking for talented producers, make sure you tune in because you may hear something you like and want to purchase. Let's not forget PL 12 is the producer of the official C.B.R. Intro & Outro which airs at the beginning and end of every show.

As the host and producer of C.B.R, I can tell you PL 12 and I have had some of the most interesting and opinionated debates on Hip Hop via Facebook with one of the most stand out being "Is Ghostwriting in Hip Hop Acceptable." I can tell you firsthand that PL 12 does not back down from a debate and is highly opinionated, so you'll always get the real, which you have to respect and why C.B.R. on It's Real Talk Radio is the perfect platform for such a guest.

4/19 last year was PL 12's debut on C.B.R, so 4/19 this year actually marks the 1 year anniversary of PL 12's debut and we promise it wasn't intentionally planned out that way lol. It is however our pleasure to welcome back PL 12 in such fashion.

Brace yourselves for a night of fun, entertainment and Hip Hop because it's going down tonight. C.B.R. on It's Real Talk Radio!

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Where Bars Matter!