Why People Pay for Fitness When They Could Get it For Free (Online Trainer Show #49)

The idea of paying for fitness is a new phenomenon. But fitness has always been free, so why would people pay for it? In this episode, the team talks about the opportunities in the global health and fitness industry, as well as how knowing your audience and why focusing on a niche market makes all the difference to succeed in a decentralized and democratized market.


In This Episode: The HUGE potential for the health and fitness industry [23:57] Jonathan explains the “Long Tail Effect” [27:01] How to solve the mystery of why people spend money  [30:03] The core psychological element missing from typical fitness programs [33:36] How to know you’re training with somebody who truly understands you [34:53] Carolina and Amber shares how they resonate with their tribe [38:34] Why you should focus on a niche market [44:29]


“You need to solve this mystery of why people spend money, and this kinda’ opens up your mind to the power of YOU, to what makes you different.”

- Jonathan Goodman



Why Pay for Training

Sure, there are a lot of free training programs, especially for people with internet access. So why pay for training? People are willing to pay for a business that can answer YES to the question, “Is this made for me?”



It’s About Your Audience

Your job is not to impress your peers. It’s only about your audience. People want to be sure you’re someone who understands their unique needs, inner dialogues, what they’re going through, and all of the pressures they have so they can trust you.



Focus on a Niche Market

How do you rise above a democratized and decentralized market? As Jonathan said, “Whenever power shifts back to consumers, quality is going to beat quantity.” You will be more effective if you’re not distracted by the masses.


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