The Secrets to Focusing on the Right Things in Your Business (Online Trainer Show #6)
A lot of people that start a business don’t realize that many of the things that matter, truly don’t. Are you too busy comparing yourselves to other “successful” people? Or maybe you’re thinking about business names, trademarks, Instagram posts, and the hottest exercises? Jonathan, Carolina, and Ren share their thoughts on what you should worry about for your business. This is the BEST set of content we’ve ever created (apparently), so you don’t want to miss this!

In This Episode:

- The best content of PTDC ever! [06:23]

- Do you understand what your clients really want? [21:23]

- Building client trust through hard work [25:35]

- Your peers are not your target market. Focus on the people you serve. [37:36]

- The most passive-aggressive move done by any government [42:00]

“The most effective technique ever… is actually to just repeat back to them exactly what they said, and then close your mouth.” – Jonathan Goodman 
Understand What Your Clients Really Want
Some of your clients might want to brag about how much they can deadlift rather than how they look. You can’t sell a program until you figure out what value your clients want to get out of your services.

Building Client Trust through Hard Work
Create a reputation that precedes you. Don’t focus on hot new exercises. Just trust the process and do the hard work.

Focus on the Macro
The small things (micro) are short term, immediate gratification-type activities. Don’t get sucked in on showing how successful you are. Concentrate on the macro where you don’t get much feedback but wake up one day with everything in place.

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