The Excuses That Are Killing Your Business (Online Trainer Show #44)

There's always an easy way out of any situation, but you should take the road less traveled. In this new episode, the gang dives into a topic that the fitness community knows all too well: Excuses! All three hosts share stories of people’s silly excuses for not putting in the work, the practical steps to changing your mindset and creating change, and how to find growth and more opportunity in the hardship. Take that cold shower to appreciate the warm.


In This Episode:

Why contracts are a necessity [8:21] Why you have to prioritize what’s important to you [20:54] Why do people make excuses? [24:45] Carolina explains why and how she makes big changes [29:18] “If you’re gonna do it, do it big.” [32:14] Carolina’s thoughts on embracing the hardship and making it work, no matter what [35:43] Don’t get airlifted onto Mt. Everest—you gotta learn how to climb [37:47] What frustrates Jonathan Goodman [42:36] Carolina’s take-home thoughts on how to find opportunity [44:30]


 “All the best stuff in life - there's some assembly required.” - Ren Jones


My Favorite Animal is a Scapegoat

Let’s face it: We’ve all wanted to blame others for our problems. Having that temptation is normal, but what defines you is your response to it. Do you blame your dissatisfaction with life on the external—economy or weather —or do you assume that you have complete control over the situation? Once you do the latter, things will change, slowly but surely.



Progress Under Pressure

As a fellow human being (I presume), our mind’s natural first choice is the path of least resistance. If you give yourself a way out, you will seek it and perhaps even take it. There’s something to be said about being kind and patient with yourself, absolutely. However, the best Plan B is no Plan B. Once you give yourself no choice but to do the hard thing, you’ll be amazed with what you’ll achieve.



You Have to Climb The Mountain to Appreciate The View

We all love the idea of snapping our fingers and achieving our goals, but without the struggle of the journey, we can’t truly appreciate the achievement. The lessons learned throughout the adventure are what define us in the future, and anything worth doing is worth doing right.

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