How To Use Organic Reach In Facebook Groups To Get New Clients (Online Trainer Show #37)

Today’s lesson is as follows: Don’t shave or go outside, because then you’ll have more energy to host a podcast! Anyway, the gang responds to a listener’s question by discussing how to acquire new clients via Facebook groups. The advice is as simple as you’d expect: “Friends and Family are valuable” and “Be a human.” Ultimately, focus your energy on quality engagement…unless that engagement is with seagulls, then just stay home. It’s not worth it.


In This Episode:

Jonathan’s painfully simple advice [10:27] The importance of friends and family [12:31] Ren’s equally simple yet effective advice about finding people [17:07] Carolina’s thoughts on “follow for a follow” and how to “be a human” [25:23] How to interact with people the WRONG way [27:03] Ren’s strategy on how to navigate groups and engage with others [36:11] Ren’s thoughts on abundance vs. quality [42:38]


“I want qualified, knowledgeable, compassionate people canvasing the internet because we're far too quiet and the tea-tox people are far too loud. I don't care if 1 million coaches start hitting groups, giving great informative answers. I'd like to raise the standard of the industry.” - Ren Jones

Be A Human

This advice sounds painfully simple, but it really is self-explanatory: To meet new people and get new clients, talk with people online like you would in real life. Be yourself and find mutual interests. Done.


Follow For An Unfollow?

Think about how many times someone has tried to do a “follow for a follow” with you, remember how annoying it is, and never ever do that to someone else. Focus on building real relationships that will last for years to come.


There’s A Lot of Competition…but Most of Them Suck

People often feel discouraged from pursuing their dreams because of the abundance of competition in their field. While the internet is froth with fitness trainers, most of them frankly don’t know what they’re talking about. If you put out quality content, it will break through the noise and reach an audience.

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