Today’s episode is all about overcoming client boredom and keeping them fully engaged so that they stay long enough to get the results they want. 

The Episode: How To Keep Your Online Clients Engaged 

In an overstimulated, distracted world, it is hard to retain your clients’ attention and focus. When they find an exercise boring or uncomfortable, they won’t be as committed to doing it right and will thus fail to reach the desired outcomes. Knowing how to keep your clients engaged will, therefore, be most beneficial to both you and them. 


In This Episode

Why we need our clients to be attentive, committed, and in the zone [0:21:22] Identifying what the client finds engaging and helping them through the boring bits [0:21:58] Striking the right balance between incorporating variety and sticking to what works best [0:22:43]  Examples of how you can switch up exercises while maintaining efficacy [0:24:26]  The value of focusing on a specific element instead of the workout as a whole [0:27:45]  Creating a distraction to support your client through an uncomfortable exercise [0:28:48]  Leveraging the fact that some clients are motivated by data and how to spot them [0:34:08]  Knowing your client well will guide you in keeping them engaged at all times [0:37:52] 


“We need clients to be attentive, we need clients to be committed, we need clients to be in the zone when they are doing our programs in order for them to get results.” — Jonathan Goodman


The Value of Attention 

In the world we live in, it is easy to get distracted by the many things demanding our attention. But for a client to get optimal results from your program, they have to be attentive and committed, otherwise they will fail to make the progress they hoped for. When this happens, both you and the client loses out. 


Narrowing Your Clients’ Attention 

There are four strategies for ensuring that you retain your clients’ focus. Although introducing variety into your program can combat boredom, you have to be careful to not compromise the integrity of the workout. You can also let them focus on one element rather than the workout as a whole, or you could distract them during exercises they find boring or uncomfortable. If they are interested in data, you can talk to them about tracking the metrics to keep them zoned in. 


How Well Do You Know Your Client?

If you have taken the time to get to know your client, you will know what will interest them and you can tailor the program to keep them engaged and focused. When an exercise they find boring or uncomfortable is unavoidable, there are ways to distract them to get it done easier but with the same impact. 


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