Today on the show I'll be speaking with Sidney Buckner.

Sidney is a Software Engineer living in St. Louis, Missouri. During the day, she grumbles and makes faces at her code and helps mentor the next generation of awesome minds in STEM. By night, she can be seen grumbling at the faces she makes in her videos about tech, lifestyle, and giving unsolicited advice.

In our conversation, we get into...

Her journey from working as a property management assistant to becoming a software engineerHow two coding bootcamps brought about two TOTALLY different experiences for herTaking advantage of the mentorship opportunities in a fresh new position, and much moreHow to approach refactoring old codeIntrospection and change during a global pandemic


Sidney Buckner:

Twitter: @sidneybuckner18Youtube: Sidney BucknerWebsite:

INTP Podcast:

Twitter: @INTPPodcastWebsite: