I love the end of one year and the beginning of the next. The new year gives us a chance to reflect on what worked well and to celebrate those things! So often, we’re only looking ahead at what’s next, what’s next. In this episode, I share with you some ways to examine your sexuality this year and what may be revealed. I also share with you why it’s so important to create intentions for the new year centered around your pleasure, and what that may look like for the year to come. For those of you who are serious about having better sex, the Better Sex in 90 Days program is the most efficient way of getting there. It’s 90 days of getting coached directly by me in a supportive community of other women with the same intentions. Enrollment starts in January and the program kicks off the second week in February. If you’re interested, you can find all of the details and enroll here.
Topics In This Episode

Scientific benefits of prioritizing your pleasure
What we can learn by looking at our wins
Celebrating our achievements in the area of pleasure
Looking at what’s really possible in 90 days
Experiencing the ripple effect of being mindful in your life 
How to create a resilient brain, and the freedom that result
The framework for evaluating your sex lives and creating intentions for the new year.

How to begin
Evaluating without judgment 
Prompts to get you thinking and looking inward

Thank you so much for an incredible year in 2020. It has been my absolute pleasure to bring this podcast to you nearly every week. I’m so excited for you to take this opportunity to look at your sex life, see where you can celebrate, and apply what worked to the goals and results you look to create in the year ahead. 
As a reminder, there’s still time to enter for the giveaway! Entries will be accepted until January 4th. So, submit a review, take a screenshot, and email it to [email protected] for the Sensational Sex starter kit, and a chance to win the most delicious, pleasurable gift box ever.

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Click here to go to Apple Podcasts and follow the steps below.

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