We are on part 3 of our series based on a recent masterclass I did called 3 Steps to Mindblowing Sex. These steps are essential for being able to uplevel your sex life, no matter where you’re starting at. Two episodes back we covered Step 1, have sex. We talked about why so many of us aren’t having sex and how to recommit to that action so that you can start showing up for the right reasons. In Step 2, Getting Out of Your Head and Into Your Body, we covered the disconnect between the mind and the body, and how to cultivate a connection to be able to access that pleasure.

Step 3 - Turning On the Ons, and Turning Off the Offs 

This step is really about getting into the mindset work and tweaking our thoughts one at a time to create more pleasure in the body Reasons why it may be more difficult for you to get turned onThe more power you have on the “ons” side, the more you’re going to be able to experience pleasure Our turn ons and turn offs aren’t just confined to what we’re doing when we’re having sex. Common turn offs, and how to move through them so that you can access pleasure:The environment in which you’re having sexStressThe belief systemsPhysical discomfortTraumaKnowing when negative emotions are present and knowing how to be with them and process them so that you can have room for pleasure 

 It’s been my absolute pleasure to share these 3 steps for mindblowing sex, and remember: have sex, get out of your head, and turn on those ons, and turn off those offs. This is such important work. When you start to lean into these 3 steps and start moving toward your potential for pleasure, it is one of the most rapid ways that you can develop and grow as a person and help you become the person you’ve always dreamed of being. 

For those of who you would love my help, I do have spots open for one-on-one coaching and I would really encourage you to take a look at the 90 Days to Better Sex group experience program I’ve just launched. If you want expert guidance from me, support from a group of other powerful women, and you want to get the skills and step-by-step processes that I’m talking about, go and check out the group program and apply at: https://daniellesavory.com/group/

Step 1, go here: https://daniellesavory.com/ep-59-first-step-to-mind-blowing-sex/

Step 2 - Get Out Of Your Head and Into Your Body: https://daniellesavory.com/ep-60-second-step-to-mind-blowing-sex/