It is a crazy time in our world right now, and I thought it was really important for me to get on and do this podcast. I think it is so easy for our brains to put sex on the back burner, especially when we’re experiencing something as life-altering as a pandemic. It is so important for us to remember in times like these is that pain is inevitable, suffering is optional, is that pleasure is essential. In this episode, I share with you how to break out of the stress cycle and how to do so, how to respond when our brain is freaking out, and noticing our thoughts in order to change them to a thought that will serve us. The skills we build in this time will continue to train our brain for hard times to come, in regards to the pandemic, and after, which is why this is so important.
Be sure to go to and sign up for my newsletter. I’ve been sending out some helpful resources during this time, and you don’t want to miss them.

Topics in this episode

Why sexual pleasure is so vital right now
How the brain works under stress
Why a trigger feels that much harder when our brain is under stress
When you’re in a more balanced place, you have a chance to connect with your body in a pleasurable way
Our brains have a negativity bias, and it will always default to the negative. Take your attention, on purpose, to focus on the good
The lasting traits of sexual pleasure: connection, safety, and love
Creating space for more pleasure to happen

It’s been my pleasure as always to bring this to you all, and I hope it helps you find pleasure despite the pandemic. We can’t control what is happening in the world, but we can control how we think about it. In the midst of panic, this is always available to you, and I hope you can tap into your body this week and access it.