I am so excited for today’s episode because this is an interview I got to do with Buffy Stinchfield. She is an orthopedic physical therapist, specializing in pelvic and women's health for over nine years. Her own journey lead her to be a super passionate advocate for the care and information women receive. Earlier this year I had the pleasure of being a guest on Buffy’s podcast, The Girlfiend’s Guide to Health and Happiness, which you can listen to here. (https://www.pinnaclewt.com/podcast/021-the-power-of-our-minds-to-conquer-chronic-pain-and-even-gain-an-amazing-sex-life)

In this discussion, we talk about how important pelvic health is for overall health, and the impact it can have on you your sex life. Some of the issues Buffy helps resolve include pelvic pain, pain with sex, bladder control, and organ issues. She also shares some of the latest information in pain science research, and how it relates to the mind-body connection.

Join the 5-Day Pelvic Health Challenge at https://www.pinnaclewt.com/5-day-pelvic-health-challenge

Topics In This Episode

Symptoms of pelvic muscle tightnessThe issue with kegel exercisesHow mindset approaches your bodySigns you are disconnected with this part of your bodyThe role of fight or flight in our pelvic floorFinding pleasure in the small momentsCarving out time to spend with your partner