There is a lot of talk about the mental load and physical load of running a house that a woman in a heterosexual relationship typically experiences. And thank goodness - we NEED to be talking about this.

However, I do see some of this narrative getting turned into a laundry list of “dos” for our partner and often in the vein of “Maybe I would be more in the mood if I had more help”.

And I want to address why this subtle shift can be problematic to the connection you are actually wanting.

Also TANGLED is open - enroll now or email me to schedule a call to see if this program is right for you!

What You’ll Learn from this Episode:How we unintentionally create a transactional relationship and how exactly this causes less emotional intimacyWhat we get wrong about emotional intimacy and who is really in charge of creating itThe generational belief that we unconsciously are believing at some level that makes it harder to experience pleasureFeatured on the Show:Tangled for consult at [email protected]