Hello, pleasure-seekers! I am so excited to have brought you 100 episodes where I share the mindset tools of diving into, defining, and prioritizing your pleasure. In celebration of this milestone, I wanted to do something a little different and bring my husband George on the podcast. As you will hear in this episode, he may not always be comfortable talking about sex, particularly with an audience, but he has a lot of insight into what it looks like to be on a pleasure-seeking journey from the perspective of being a supportive spouse.
In this conversation, we share with you our love story, some of the important adjustments we have had around conflict, the importance of a growth mindset, and of course, we talk about our sex life and some of the biggest shifts we have made over our 18 years together. I hope that this episode shares with you some helpful takeaways that you can apply to your relationship and can share with your partner to allow for growth and strengthening of your connection and your love. Here’s to 100 more episodes!
Topics in this episode:

The importance of accountability within a relationship
Lessons we have learned from each other
Changes we have experienced over 18 years, as individuals and within their relationship
The best and worst parts about being married to a sex coach
Finding time for each other and connection
Renegotiating comfort levels within the bedroom
How to approach self-advocacy within the bedroom

Make sure to follow me on social media! You’ll get tips and mindset shifts to help you and that you can share with the women in your life and continue to normalize women pursuing their pleasure. Instagram: @danielle.savory

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Editing and show notes by Roth Media
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