Did you know that Americans are having less sex now than they did a decade ago? Did you also know that 60% of women are sexually unsatisfied? Also, studies show that fewer women are having orgasms than any other demographic. With these stats, is it any wonder that Herlove was Mixhers most requested product?

Having a satisfying sex life is a very important part of having a healthy and balanced life, but for too many women, it's an area of their life that they feel like they need extra support in. Talking about it helps! So let's talk!

On today's episode, Cody and Jess share all about how important it is as women to feel empowered when it comes to our sex life. They talk about how a missing sex drive can be a sign of hormonal imbalance and should be taken seriously. They also share what to do about it.

Tune in to learn about how to create sexual wellness rituals and how to rev up your libido naturally.

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Cody Sanders @codyjeansanders
Jess Toolson @jesstoolson

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