Josh Parks is the founder of GhostFit Apparel, a fitness clothing brand with a mission to help individuals overcome daily obstacles. They partner with mental health organizations to help individuals learn how to mitigate mental health issues. 

Josh is passionate about fitness and helping others. In this episode, he opens up about his experience with severe anxiety and how it impacted his life. Fitness was something that helped him mitigate anxiety, but he also discusses the power of mindset and growth. 

Josh is inspiring, vulnerable, kind, and incredibly generous. He is passionate about giving back to the community and organizations that are close to his heart. He started "Kids Eat First" at the beginning of the pandemic, the mission was to help kids who rely on a meal at school to recieve a meal for free. They are bringing it back but on a larger scale in January, check out Josh's social media pages for more info! 

Josh's Resources:

Josh's personal Instagram: Apparel on Instagram:

It's Hard Resources:

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It's Hard is edited by Sather Audio