I felt pain, guilt, sadness, and anger after learning about the murder of George Floyd. I realized that I am ignorant and uneducated in the face of systemic racism in the United States. I knew I needed to educate myself, help in anyway I could, and have conversations about this issue. This podcast is a vulnerable self-reflection that I hope people can relate to and learn something from. I am not here to teach or preach. I am imperfect and I am learning, but I will not quit showing up. Please, if I misunderstood, mispoke, or need to be corrected on anything, reach out to me. I am learning and am prepared to make mistakes. However, I am willing to learn. This is HARD, but together we can fight for change. 



Sign petitions @ https://www.change.org

Petitions that need to be signed: Justice for George Floyd, Justice for Breonna Taylor, Justice for Willie Simmons, Justice for Ahmaud Arbery, Repeal 50-a: a law that deems police and correctional officer files "confidential", Hands Up Act: punish police for shooting unarmed citizens, Ban Rubber Bullets.















White Fragility by Robin Diangelo

A Good Time for the Truth: Racism in Minnesota

How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X Kendi