Do you struggle with dieting?

Better yet, how many diets have you tried and have FAILED you?

Do you catch yourself saying things like, "I'm off the wagon" or, "I'll start again Monday"?

If so, you may be stuck in the vicious & never-ending diet cycle!

Ali Sempek is a HotWorx instructor, and an internationally certified Body Confidence Coach who helps empower women that struggle with food guilt + body image to reclaim their confidence. I love Ali's approach because she bridges the gap between "fitness obsessed" and "body confidence, only". She preaches that you can live in the grey area and still have goals, and I couldn't agree more!

Ali and I dig deep into diet culture, why it's so hard to get out, and tips to start healing that unhealthy relationship with dieting once and for all. 

Connect with Ali on IG: 
