Today I break down a very common way of thinking that has some benefits but mostly has a detriment to your health and fitness journey and that's Black & White Thinking! All in or all out! Good or Bad!

-Safety purposes (ex.-telling children that you're never allowed to play in the streets or to look both ways before crossing a busy street)
-Time management and productivity; when you set a timer to work and focus you do not stray away from that allotted time or else you won't get as much done as you could.
-Things like domestic abuse have a black and white thought ideal around them.

Cons: (Far outweighs the pros)
-Limits our options; only gives us two choices, success or failure.
example- Labeling foods "Good" or "Bad" (this is very common)
-Can cause depression or anxiety; because either the person is happy or the person is completely sad.
-Anger; because either the person gets exactly what they wanted or anything other than that is pointless in their eyes.

Solutions for B&W Thinking:
-Recognize Context: What is good for 1 person could be bad for another depending on the context. Context is king and the more context you have the less likely you will be thinking in B&W thoughts.
-Use a scale of 0-10 instead of only B&W options when asked how you're feeling, how is progress, exc.

Hope you enjoy!


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