You're playing this comparison game, and as a result, you don't even pay attention to your own grass because you're so concerned about your neighbors and you're looking left and right, and you just end up not being happy and a little bit bitter until you realize a couple things. When it comes to focusing on watering your garden and this idea, it has a lot of relevance to plenty of clients that I've had, and this concept goes across the board.


It doesn't have to be just metaphorically speaking, watering garden. You know, how many of us have gone into the gym worrying about what others. Think about us in the gym. It's the same thing. We're going into the gym to work on ourselves. We are watering our own, quote unquote garden our body by putting in daily efforts in daily works.


And when we go in to do this, instead of just focusing on doing the reps, doing what's necessary to water our garden, we're focused on the people to our left. We're focused on the people to our right, and we're comparing ourselves because we might have been really excited to lift 40 pounds for the first time today in the gym, and maybe we get that done and we feel pretty accomplished for a couple minutes until a kid who's, I don't know, two or three years younger than you, comes up and hands up, repping whatever you were just doing with seventies instead of forties.


Instead of you being happy at the fact that you made progress and that you did the work and you've done everything you needed to do to water your garden at your own pace and be happy and content about the progress.


Instead, we now compare our progress to somebody else who we may not even know.

Use this podcast as a reminder that true progress comes when we focus on our own progress instead of comparing ourselves to others. 

Do the daily habits needed to reap the rewards of those efforts later down the line and you'll never regret those efforts or how great your lawn turns out because of these efforts!