I could start another show just on writing and marketing books. It is one of the most asked questions I get from listeners. There is no one way to do either but my guest today, Honoree Corder, is one of the most successful at helping her clients write and monetize their books.

On this episode Honoree shares how to stick to a schedule and her daily habits that have enabled her to publish over 50 of her own books and monetize them all. She also shares what your biggest asset is and how to prepare it, how to get the message out about your book even before it is done and how to develop streams of income from your book and message.

Listen to the episode and Honoree shares how you can get a free copy of her book, You Must Write a Book.

Honoree Corder helps business professionals boost their brands, get more business, and become the go-to expert with their own book. She coaches them through the process of crafting, writing, publishing, launching, and marketing their books to bestseller (and best earner) status, creating a platform, and developing multiple streams of income.

Honoree Corder is the author of You MUST Write a Book and the I Must Write MY Book Workbook, and creator of the You MUST Write a Book LIVE Coaching Course, as well as the author of dozens of books, including Tall Order!, Vision to Reality, Business Dating, Stop Trying So F*cking Hard, The Prosperous Writer's book series, The Successful Single Mom book series, If Divorce is a Game, These are the Rules, and The Divorced Phoenix. She is Hal Elrod’s business partner and co-creator of The Miracle Morning book series. Get a free copy of her book here.

Find out more at HonoreeCorder.com.