Karen Stultz believes in having an awesome life and is helping others find theirs. After having to make a serious of decisions that left her letting go of work, her home as she knew it, her husband in a way and even who her parents were to her, Karen faced a choice. Could she still have an awesome life even when it seemed as if that would never be possible again?

Take a listen as Karen shares the questions she asked that helped her make the choices she made, how she stays "semi-sane" and loving life all while helping others discover their AWESOME life.

I think one of my favorite parts in the interview was when she began to discuss music notes and how one note does not a song make. Tell us what stood out for you and how you are leading an awesome life!

Karen Stultz is a 6 figure money mindset mentor, online business strategist for solo heart centered entrepreneurs  who want to transition from a J.O.B. to having a lifestyle business that allows them to have more energy, joy, prosperity and freedom to enjoy what they do.

She has been in the coaching and healing industry for over 20 years, and supports clients around the world to live fully, without regret or fear...and never spend more money than necessary to be successful, always living her mantra of "FUN is # 1"