Previous Episode: Episode 008 - DJ Kwite Sane
Next Episode: Episode 010 - Justin Bua

Daniel-Jocelyne Otou is a brand strategist, entrepreneur, and social engagement enthusiast. Originally from Cameroun, DJ moved to Canada from Senegal at age 4, where she grew up as an engaged youth, involved in many youth organizations. 5 years ago, while bed ridden from a difficult pregnancy, Daniele created and launched, a collective for women whose mission is to facilitate conversations and experiences -both online and IRL. She now also works at Apathy Is Boring, Canada’s official Youth Get Out The Vote Organization, where she’s merging her passion for brand strategy and community work.

Author:  Marianne Williamson A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Author:  Malcolm Gladwell Outliers: The Story of Success

Jay Shetty podcast