Jessica Gohier is a resume expert, freelance writer, entrepreneur and facilitator of career objectives. She founded Profilia CV in 2008, and her organization now offers resume writing services to professionals across industries and seniority levels. In addition to her 10+ years of valuable experience interviewing job seekers to write their documents, her qualifications include an undergraduate degree in Applied Human Sciences (Concordia University) as well as Project Management certification from McGill.

Her super power is helping others see themselves through a renewed light, highlighting relevant skills & expertise in a way they may not have yet considered. Ultimately, her own career passion is marketing people based on their own aspirations and career objectives. Wordsmith with a vision, she paints accurate yet impressive pictures, which match potential employees with employers!

Through her passion for helping people and encouraging their personal development, she has established herself as a trusted reference in terms of resume development and professional advice. In addition to writing for individual clients and organizations, her work is also featured on, highly reputable references in terms of online job search and career advice.


